How do I cancel my monthly or yearly subscription?

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Canceling your subscription is a straightforward process, but there are some things to be aware of before you decide to stop your subscription.

Please note: A subscription is different than a payment plan. You can cancel a monthly or yearly subscription anytime, whereas with a payment plan you need to complete all of the required installments. Learn more about payment plans here →.

In this article

How do cancellations work?

Like pauses, cancellations can be initiated at any point in your billing cycle — however, they do not go into effect until the end of your current billing period. You'll maintain access to the content available under your subscription up until that point.

If I cancel my annual subscription early, do I get a refund?

In short, no.

Annual subscriptions cannot be canceled early — because cancellations take place after the current billing period ends, it wouldn't go into effect until the year after you originally subscribed to the plan.

We give significant discounts on our annual plans in exchange for your flexibility, since you're prepaying for the entire year — once payment has been made, you are committed to staying for the year. Of course, you can cancel auto-renewal so that you don't get billed again in the next cycle.

If I cancel my subscription, will I lose any progress I've made?

All progress is saved, regardless of your subscription status. Keep in mind, though, that once your subscription ends, you will lose access to the content.

How to cancel your subscription.

You can cancel your subscription at any time from your account page.

I'm trying to cancel my subscription, but I'm not seeing the right buttons.

Don't worry.  We would be glad to help if this is the case. Just shoot us an email and we'll get you sorted out.

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